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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Our Relocation Drive to Pass Christian, Mississippi

It's time to relocate to Mississippi as Eric and I wait for March 1st to roll around, when Eric and I can settle in at Gulf State Park in Alabama for one month.

Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park
has helpful reminders for
departing RVers.

The day starts off on

Cracker Barrel has
Breakfast Y'all

... & we're on
Interstate 12 East.

Spring has sprung!

I don't know what the
yellow flowers are,
but they're pretty.

That's a Budweiser Plant,
hiding behind the trees.

The exit for Hattiesburg
is a tight turn.

Recommended speed:
 20 mph 

This section of Louisiana
is marshy.

Eric & I are welcomed
back to Mississippi.

We leave Interstate 12

Back on the road again...

... on US Route 90

Waveland Water Tower

This section of Mississippi was hit hard by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Royal Red Shrimp are the pride
of the Gulf Coast.

Mississippi is proud to promote
its Shrimping Industry.

Eric spent $2.69 per gallon for

Tony's Seafood lists its
menu on the building.

was destroyed in Hurricane
Katrina in 2005 & reopened 
to traffic in 2007.

The etching on the concrete pillar includes sea birds, boats, fish and Sea Turtles.

I wonder if the bridge in the
distance is a railroad bridge.

Welcome to Pass Christian

Sand drifts across
US Route 90.

The marina

I hope the fishing
is good.

Menge Avenue takes us
north of the beach.

We turn onto
Freddie Frank Road...

... & arrive at TLC Wolf

I unhitch the Jeep.  Eric and I follow James to Site 38, which has satellite reception for our TV.

Set up was easy on this
level campsite.

We have water, 30 amp electric and sewer connections.  Our DirecTV Satellite Dish is up and running, and here comes the rain....

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