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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Crooked Letter Brewing Company in Ocean Springs, Mississippi

Eric and I like to visit breweries and tap rooms to sample beers.  This afternoon we are trying out Crooked Letter Brewing Company's Beers at their new location in Ocean Springs.

I love the name!  I think back to elementary school and singing to myself
M-I-Crooked Letter-Crooked Letter-I-Crooked Letter-Crooked Letter-I-Hump Back-
Hump Back-I as I spelled out Mississippi.

Crooked Letter Brewing
recently relocated.

It's in a crooked building.

It's perfect! 

The outside bar is a
great place to hang
out with a beer.

The brewing equipment is
not installed yet.

Crooked Letter Brewing
Growlers & Souvenirs

The Bar

Eric likes the molecular
formula for Beer.

This is my favorite

Eric & I sample Gypsy IPA,

Our favorite beer is the Imperial Bourbon Milk Stout.  

I expect that Crooked Letter Brewing will do very well in its new home.

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