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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Driving Northeast to Houston, Texas

Today's drive northeast to
Houston starts on Texas
Texas Highway 185 West.

We are alone, for now.

This road is closed,
for construction.

Eric pulls into the Victoria
so we can switch drivers

I love this shot of me driving.

The fast moving tractor trailer
is out of focus.

Entering "Bridge Land."

After this Road Construction site ends, I pick a wide  road shoulder to pull onto so Eric and I can swap drivers.  He drives the "last leg" of our drive into Houston.

Sugar Land's
water tower

I wish we had time in our
schedule to visit the RV

It's been a while since Eric and I have had a chance to inspect the latest trailers and motorhomes.

Ribbons of highways
crisscross before us.

**Fun Fact: The City of Houston covers 655 square miles.  That's why we are seeing so many overlapping bridges and heavy traffic.

The lights are flashing...

Eric & I slow down....

US Route 59 North
becomes Interstate
69 North...

I appreciate all the planning
that went into constructing
these bridges to move heavy
traffic through Houston.

The Art Institute of Houston &
Performance Pain & Sports 
Medicine, in the River Oaks

Vehicle) Lane in Houston is 
for 2 + people per car.

The traffic in this area is so busy that there's also a dedicated Toll Lane.

We are coming up on as
series of arched bridges.

I don't know if the bridges were designed to create this artful effect, but I like the results.

                                       The Mexican Consulate

I wonder how many other countries have Consulates in Houston.  At the website I found out that there are over 80 foreign Consulates here.    I'm learning a lot as I travel.

A brief peek at Houston's
skyline from Interstate
69 North.

Here's out exit for

Jim Adler "The Texas Hammer"

This isAdler's Law Offices, where
he & his associates "hammer for
victims" against big corporations.

This exit will take us to

Eric pulled into a Walmart
to get diesel fuel.

He bought a Walmart Gift Card and has been getting 3 cents off per gallon when he uses it to get fuel at Walmart and Murphy's Gas Stations.  The rechargeable Walmart Gift Card a simple way to get savings on diesel and gas, one of our biggest budget items.

We aren't spending the night at this Walmart.  I called and asked permission to park overnight and was told that it isn't allowed at this store. 

We are spending the night
at a nearby Sam's Club. lists thousands of businesses that allow RVers to spend the night in their parking lots.  Eric and I use this invaluable tool when  we are "just traveling through," 

The slides are out, the Satellite TV Dish is up, and it starts raining hard.  I'll get a photo of our overnight spot tomorrow morning.

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