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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Northeast... to Rockport, Texas

Eric and I say goodbye to friends at Tropic Winds RV Resort in Harlingen and drive north to Rockport

Today's drive starts on
Interstate 69E/US
Route 77 North.

Texas' road construction season
continues through the winter,
allowing me to get pictures of
construction equipment.

I love cranes!

North Alamo's 
water tower

This is an easy drive,
so far....

This section of South
Texas is sparsely

Sarita has an Immigration
Check Point.

Sorry, no pictures.  I don't want to have to explain my interest in photography with Border Patrol Agents.

Livestock graze in nearby

into the Gulf of Mexico.

I admire the tank treads on 

The Miller breaks up asphalt,
which is recycled for to make
new pavement.

Utility work

Eric turns onto Texas
State Highway 44 East.

A small Oil Derrick
stands next to the

Sometimes you have to
go south to go east...

part of today's route.

Our first peek at damage
from Hurricane Harvey.

Eric points out the
roadside Rooster.

An Oil Refinery

Corpus Christi is shrouded
in fog.

We approach the Corpus

berthed nearby.

We turn onto Texas State
Highway 35 North.

A Gulf side RV Park 

Just 9 miles to go......

Hurricane Harvey Claims

From August 25 through August 30 Hurricane Harvey caused wind damage and flooding cross the Texas Gulf Shore from Port Aransas to Cameron, Louisiana.  Inland flooding occurred from Houston up into Arkansas.  Five months on, those affected by Hurricane Harvey are still working their way back to normalcy.

One of numerous gigantic
piles of debris in the wide
median of the highway.

Eric and I were shocked to see the detritus of ruined homes and businesses.

The Rockport
water tower

Eric & I are spending the
night at the Walmart.

This Walmart has dedicated
RV lanes that are at least
70 feet long.

Cars park in the RV lanes so their drivers can save a few steps into the store.

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