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Friday, February 16, 2018

The MLK Business & Civic Organization, MLK Monday Mystics & Northside Merchants Parade

The MLK Business and Civic Organization, MLK Monday Mystics & Northside Merchants Parade that starts at 3:00 pm.  Eric and I are standing near the end of the parade.  Locals told us that this is a good place to stand because Krewes throw everything they have left at the end of the parade.  The crowd expects LOTS of beads, toys, snacks....

Mobile City Council's

Riders on horseback

The youngest rider is
sitting tall in the
This is a long parade.... Over two hours....  These are my favorite shots...

entertain the crowd.

Holly Golightly from
Breakfast at Tiffany's 


Mystic Riders 

Mr. Spock pilots the
Star Trek float.


The Seahorse is

looks conflicted, as usual.

Mr. Hat is  always at his side.

Mr. Monopoly rides high
on the Monopoly float.

The sun sets as the parade rolls on....

I have fond memories of The Planters Peanut Store in downtown Schenectady.  It went out of business about 40 years ago.

Max from Where the Wild
Things Are by Maurice Sendak

The Krewe on Mystic Moonpie
unloads armloads of snacks
on the crowd.

The blur in this photo is
one of the last set of
beads to be thrown
near Eric & me .

The parade's over &
there's a few things
to pick up........

Eric and I filled our backpacks with "loot" and gave the boxed snacks to children standing near us at the barricades.  We are chilled to the bone from standing in windy, damp low 50s Mobile.  It's time to find a hot drink, and maybe a nosh.

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