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Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Homer Public Library in Homer, Alaska

Having spent years working in libraries, I like visiting them and seeing the services they provide their communities.

Homer Public Library

Library News is posted in
the lobby.

A wheelchair is available
for use.

Flop down on a bean bag
chair & enjoy a Young
Adult Novel.

Small group meeting rooms
are available to the public.

Two people can plug into the
internet & work here.

Tables are handy for browsing

Tables & chairs are
interspersed among
the bookshelves.

Eric waits for me in a
lounge-like area.

The glassed in Children's Area
has bean bag chairs & lots
of room for group activities.

Sit at a table & do puzzles,
your homework...

There's LOTS of books
here to explore.

This is amazing!

A sink & counter at just the
right height for preschoolers.

Another amazing Alaskan library.  Alaska has a handful of public libraries compared to hundreds in New York State.  Each library has a larger piece of the fiscal pie in Alaska.

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