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Monday, December 21, 2015

Off Roading South of Sonita, New Mexico

The rain has passed and the temperature is a bit warmer today...  Mid 50s.  Eric and I head out for the 18 mile Gardner Canyon Trail, south of Sonita.

This Loop Trail is for
 Licensed Vehicles.

Yes the mountains beyond
are dusted with snow.

A few words of caution:

Smuggling & Illegal Immigration
May Be Encountered In
This Area.
 Good to know...

Information on this trail is

Eric entered today's drive in our GPS, including GPS Coordinates for all the way points on today's drive.

I have the book open on my
lap to read instructions,
if needed.

We are belts & suspenders

Looking at the colored lines
on the route, I know that
today's drive is rated
 easy to medium.

We will not experience
complicated rock climbs
or super narrow trails.

This sign has the rules...

15 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit
Licensed Vehicles Only
No Breaking Traction
No Jumps
No Reckless Driving
Stay on Designated Roads

We pass a camper.

The map of today's drive
is helpful for those without
an off road trail guide book.

The road ahead.

Ice covered puddle on the
north side of a hill.

Vehicles & a teeny, tiny

Just up the road we see...
Prospectors looking 
for Gold. 

Yes, that's snow, within
20 miles of the Mexican

Our serpentine route will
eventually converge on the
path shown on the GPS

A man made wall holds back
an unstable embankment.

Eric takes his time
navigating this

We think the stones are

Buildings, appear, literally
in the middle of nowhere.

We cross a large puddle, slowly.

Eric isn't in the mood to wash
the Jeep.

Eric wishes I hadn't taken
a picture of this car...

I may have upset the

One of the free range cows
grazing nearby.

The entrance to
Apache Ranch

We are about to return 

Community mailboxes...

We have returned to

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