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Thursday, December 10, 2015

West... to St. David, Arizona

campers to check the antenna,
jacks & steps.

These are the most commonly forgotten items on the "pack up list" all campers use.

We have a seven mile drive
on dirt & gravel to...


Today's drive takes us west
on Interstate 10 towards

This billboard stands out
among the motel & gas
station ads.

A train traveling

A windmill towers above
the dusty plain.

These mountains are
miles north of I 10.

A warning that this is a
dust storm prone area.

Instructions on what to
do during poor visibility.

The last sign says: Use
Extreme Caution.

Road Construction

No travel delay at
11:00 am.

$2.49 a gallon for diesel
is a little high...

$1.89 a gallon for gas
is a GOOD price
at Flying J.

Eric points out

This is unexpected...

Fraggle Rock

Who remember the Fraggle Rock TV show?  The Fraggle Rock movie is in development.

I love the Southwest's
rugged terrain.

We enter Arizona.

This "open train" is interesting.

I wonder if it's a "test train."

The first rest stop on
I 10 is closed.

Unleaded gas costs
more in Arizona.

The diesel is noticeably
less than New Mexico.


We visited there
in 2013.

A large white "W"
decorates the mountain
above Willcox.

We leave I 10 at the
Benson exit.

This rock formation reminds

Elevation 3,676
Founded in 1877

Eric & I are returning at
for two weeks.

We stayed here in 2013.

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