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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Walking Around Kitt Peak

I think Deep Thoughts
about the science
conducted on Kitt Peak.

The U.S., Arizona &
Tohono O'odham 
Tribal flags billow....

Telescope, in this uniquely
shaped building, is used to
study the Sun.

The lower lens is adjusted
with this winch.

The upper lens in the

It can be moved as well.

The aperture of the

This solar telescope generates a lot of heat.  Coolant circulates through the the ribs of the telescope's structure.

A picnic table sits beneath the
above ground section of the
 McGrath-Pierce Telescope.

The telescope extends 300 hundred feet below ground.

One of the dormitories...

The sign asks visitors to
be quiet...  There are 
daytime sleepers here.

Staff & visitors walk along this
wide white stripe after dark.

Regular flashlights aren't
allowed here after dark.

This section of the road
has an 8% grade.

The Fire Danger Level
today is Very High.

along the top of Kitts Peak.

The windsock shows the
wind direction at...

...the helipad.

Our car, & others are lined
up for the drive down
the mountain at the end of
the Night Sky Discovery

The headlights on our car,
& others are covered with
red cloth.

Drivers can see the vehicle in front and the white light emitted from the headlights are obscured so as not to disrupt astronomical experiments as we leave Kitt Peak. 

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