Eric & I start our drive
The diagonal route that became The Mother Road was used throughout the 1800s. Route 66, one of the first transcontinental highways in the U.S. linked many small towns and cities together.
The ruins of a Garage
on Route 66

Interstate 40 is north of
The Mother Road west
of San Jon.

Cattle graze in
roadside fields.
Eric & I spend the morning
in Tucumcari.

In the 1950s sections of Route 66 were circumvented by multi-lane Interstate Highways. Nostalgia set in for "the Good Old Days" along The Mother Road.

Eric snapped this pic
of me, the motorhome
& the Rte 66 Emblem.

We return to Interstate 40 West.
Albuquerque is 162 miles away.

I 40 unfurls before us.

Our drive continues on

We pass G & D Land & Cattle Co.,
one of many Cattle Ranches in this
region of New Mexico.

Roswell is thataway....
...we are going toward
Welcome to Vaughn
Crossroads of New Mexico

Vaughn's large Railroad Depot
is a reminder of the prosperity
brought by the Union Pacific
The Ranch House Cafe
stopped serving meals
years ago.

Eric took a picture of the
road ahead.
New Mexico has a lot of open space.

Billy the Kid Country
Lincoln State Monument
Smokey Bear Park
can be found along
US 380 East
We stopped at Alon
for Diesel Fuel.
The configuration of the Diesel Pumps confused me.
This Pump 3 is the one Eric's
using to fuel up our motorhome.
This is called the Master Pump.
Truckers & RVers start fueling
at the Master Pump on the
Driver's Side....
This Pump 3 doesn't have as
much information as the
Pump Eric is using.
It's the Slave Pump & is
available to fuel the
Passenger Side fuel tank
of Tractor Trailers.
much information as the
Pump Eric is using.
It's the Slave Pump & is
available to fuel the
Passenger Side fuel tank
of Tractor Trailers.
The only information I could find on this was about wiring the Diesel Pumps for service.

& Wine is next to McGinn's
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