is located next to Valley
Eric & I take a walk on
the Company's Path to
We are warned that walking
this trail is done at our
own risk.
Inspirational Signs with
distances (600 feet) are
found along the trail &...
Caution: Narrow Bridges; Watch Out For Wild Life; No Bikes Allowed: Clean Up After Your Pets
Our shadow at one of the
narrow bridges on the
Some critter is digging near
a scrawny looking plant.

in full sun

Be Active, Be Healthy,
Be Happy (900 feet)

The yellow petals on this
low growing bush are
ripening seed pods.
Some plant identification
gets past me.
New growth on a
Barrel Cactus

Small steps can make a BIG
difference (1,200 feet)

Desert Zinnia are just
past their prime.

A Trash Can & a Prickly
It's handy for bottles, wrappers, bagged Doggie Do.
Find the JOY in the
JOURNEY (1,500 feet)
Eric & I see Arizona G &T
buildings in the distance.
Stems on this plant are
covered in tiny white
This vine is a surprise.
Eric says its leaves look
like Pumpkin.

It's not one GIANT step that
does it... it's a lot of LITTLE
ones (1,800 feet)

A Soaptree Yucca reaches
to the sky.

Arizona Cottontop Grass

You don't have to go FAST,
You just have to GO!
(2,100 feet)
I was a safe distance from
this large flying insect.
A Velvet Mesquite Tree
provides shade for visitors.

Every Step Counts!
(2,400 feet)

Ruins of a tiny civilization
OR, the Ants are away...
Enjoy this DAY!
(2,400 feet)
Walking Arizona G & T's Path to Wellness twice is just short of a mile. Adding the steps to our Campground makes this morning's walk one mile long.
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