Eric & I continue west on

What a difference a day makes....
Yesterday's leaden skies are now
bright blue.

Yellows & reds stand out
among green trees.
Cattle graze behind fences
near I 86.
This Corn Field waits to
be harvested.

A farm & a church are
just off the highway.
A stand of Birches

One end of a Solar Farm
that covers acres

This roadside mower carefully
trims around highway posts.
Welcome to Pennsylvania
pursue your happiness
We continue west on

Ohio find it here.

Ashtabula County branded
this highway bridge.

The Speed Limit here is
70 Miles Per Hour.
This electrified sign can
be changed when traffic
conditions change.
We leave I 90 at Exit 200
for Chardon.
Bicyclists enjoy their ride
without any concerns
about traffic.

Eric & I park for the night at
Walmart in Chardon.
The town is named for Peter Chardon Brookes, the man who donated land for the courthouse. I thought the name might be the abbreviation of Chardonnay.
I look up & find a kite sailing
on the breeze.

The Chardon water tower is
located behind Walmart.
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