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Friday, March 23, 2018

The Pier at Gulf Shores, Alabama

Eric & I were given a pass for
the Pier when we registered at
Gulf Shore State Park 

Visitors rinse the sand off
their feet as they leave
the beach.

The access to the
1,540 foot pier.

The beach below beckons
sun worshipers.

Local veterans are
posted at the
walk through area.

Pelican Sam's Roost
has lots of fishing

Eric presents our
Pier Pass & we
save $6.00.

Looking east....

Our first look at the
very long pier.

Looking west...

Shallow water is
light green.

A passerby took this
photo for us.

Eric scans the shallow
water for fish....

He doesn't even see
a minnow.

Fishermen & their gear
along the length of the

This fisherman shows
off his catch with a
little boy.

is about 14 inches

Pelicans skim by the pier,
looking for discarded
fish guts.

This Pelican waits

Eric and I walk to the end of the Pier.

Fishermen keep their gear
in the middle as they fish
from the furthest point
on the Pier.

The fishermen have plenty
of elbow room, with their
equipment sitting nearby.

Eric at one of the Fish
Cleaning Stations.

Looking back, along the
length of the Pier

Birds wait below the
large Fish Cleaning
Station for scraps.

Having stretched our legs, and rested our derrieres, it's time to continue our bike ride.

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