Palm Trees & snow topped
Southern California is a
study in contrasts.
Most of today's drive is along
Here we go....

The Indio Bridge
Festival 2019 starts on
April 12th.
96 miles to Blythe, California &
245 miles to Phoenix, Arizona
One of the few billboards
along our route...
Jesus offers you a new life
Traffic is steady in
both directions.
is nearby.
It remains open during the

The hills tot he south look
like piles of rubble.
Rubble Ditch is one of many
water channels that run
the highway.
Local terrain shows up in
Local terrain shows up in

Desert & scrubby brush
stretch on for miles,
Distant mountains are hazy.
Water brings the desert to life....
A Palm Tree Farm
Welcomes You

Saguaro Cacti reach
for the sky.
12 miles to Quartzsite

Texting & Driving
Is So Last Year
Be a Trendsetter
Arizona discourages phone use while driving because there's no law against it.

Quartzsite Town Limits
Eric drives to East Main Street
to fuel up the motorhome at
the Chevron Gas Station.
Other gas stations in the area have Diesel Prices over $3.00 per gallon, making $2.87 per gallon a bargain.

Eric looked at the physical layout
of this gas station before deciding
to get fuel here.
We drive to Plomosa Road,
north of town.
We drive about 2 miles down
the road....
Eric & I are boondocking off
of Plomosa Road.
There are no electrical, water
or sewer services on this
section of BLM Land.
Eric and I use about 450 amp hours per day and don't alter our electrical usage when we are off the grid. Our solar panels are tilted to maximize solar energy collection for our batteries. The generator is used to fully charge our batteries on cloudy days when the solar panels aren't collecting in the amperage we need.
The Liquid Propane Tank is full to power the refrigerator and LP furnace.
We arrive with 120 gallons of water: 89 in our fresh water tank, 11 in our hot water heater, 19 gallons in large water jugs & 1 gallon in assorted water bottles.
From previous boondocking experiences, Eric and I know that we use about 7 gallons of water a day. We will add water from the jugs we brought into the RV water tank as its level goes down and buy water in town, as needed.
Our Grey Water Tank, which holds 48 gallons, is empty. The Black Tank, which holds 52 gallons, is empty. Our goal is to camp without going into town to dump our tanks or fill the Propane Tank.
The boondocking lifestyle includes using paper plates, bowls, etc. Any dishes, silverware and pots and pans are wiped out with a damp paper towel to ensure that dish washing is a water conscious experience.
Our Freshwater Pump is turned off when not in use. A Freshwater Bucket collects cold water in the shower, as it heats up for Navy Showers. It is then used to wash our few dishes. A Grey Water Bucket collects dishwater, etc. to flush the toilet. RVers are allowed to water nearby bushes with Grey Water.
Trash..... There's a County Transfer Station about 5 miles from where we are camped. It's open Sunday - Wednesday, 7:30 am to 2:30 pm. Eric and I will drop off the trash we generate on our way into Quartzsite.
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