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Saturday, January 19, 2019

Many Groups Are Camping North of Quartzsite on BLM Land

Signs are cropping up along
Plomosa Road, north
of Quartzsite.

This sign is for Escapees
Boomer Birds-of-a-Feather.

Interested in Amateur Radio, Genealogy, Pets, Woodworking, and other topics?  Escapees have Birds-of-a-Feather groups to join.  Your interest isn't represented?  Start a BOF group and spend time with other like-minded RVers.

RVs are parking on the rock
strewn fields off Plomosa

Members of WIN (Wandering
Individuals Network) camp
together north of Quartzsite
in January.

are camped that away.

This primitive track off of
Plomosa Road is the access
point for Escapees Christian
Fellowship BOF, Escapees
SOLOs BOF & Northwood
Trailer owners.

An arrow points the way to

Safari International members
are camping just off Plomosa

More Escapees....

camping together.

Michiganders and Arizonans are gathering here.

Higgins Family & Friends
are camping in this area

75 motorhomes camping

Another busy access for the
CSA (I'm not sure what this
group is) & Outside

Eric & I are camping with
Escapees Boomers.

I'll be sharing group events....

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