Escapee members with short term health care needs can recover at Pearl's Place: A Respite Cottage, Transportation to and from physical therapy is provided by the CARE Program.
Because of fundraising and the time given by volunteers to make meals, do residents' laundry, clean RVs, etc., the cost per month is $849.00 for one resident and $424.00 for the second resident.
Let's look at the Auction Offerings:

The Silent Auction Table
Fellow Escapees bring snacks to share. The Wine Bar is open and serving the thirsty audience.
Tables & Tables of donated
items to be auctioned off
The line up of Vannas...
Volunteers walk the aisles
in the audience, showing
off each item.

This Vanna is showing off
her outfit, which is an
auction item.
This is just a "snapshot" of the CARE Auction, which went on for Four Hours.
Proceeds from CARE Auction, the Wine Bar at the Auction, Pancake Breakfasts, Cinnamon Roll Sales, and Haircuts are included in the Boomer's donation to CARE.
Drum Roll Please..... $11,872 was raised for CARE at the 2019 Boomerville.
The event's donation has been sent to the Center in Livingston, Texas to help
fellow Escapees in need of medical care and assistance.
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