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Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Bass Pro Shop in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Eric & I are staying in a
parking lot adjacent to
the Bass Pro Shop.

There's taxidermy
to admire....

Boats for sport fishing

Bison roam "the plains"
above the clothing racks.

Saltwater Game Fish: Dorado & Blue Marlin

Get your fishing gear here.

Men's Apparel

I think this mannequin
is trying to get away
from the Grizzly Bear.

Moose watch over the
Rainwear Section.

The aquarium is set up
to look like a river.

Camping Gear

Outdoor Wear
for Kids

There's a Shooting Range
in this store.

Everything Hunters


Books & Toys

I love the mail boxes.

A Seaplane "floats"
above shoppers &


Uncle Buck's Pantry 

Bass Pro Shop is a partners
in the Conservation Fund.

I love Bass Pro Shops.  They beautifully display wildlife through out their stores as they sell top quality sports clothing and merchandise.

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