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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday in Greater Springfield Eugene, OR

Much ado about sunrise.....  

The panel shows a charge rate of  0.3 amps

Seventeen minutes later the
charge rate is 0.6 amps

Greg, the co-owner of AM Solar came out to extensively review our new control panels.  He and Eric are deep in discussion and I'm not going to interrupt.  Eric is learning a lot from his time with Greg.

Today's plan is go to Valley Center.  This mall allows RVs to park for two nights.  Bonus:  Bike trail nearby

Eric & I were directed to the far end of the parking lot.  Security came by, registered us and gave us a piece of paper to put on our dashboard.

After lunch at Chili's, the couch and recliner beckoned...... Siesta....

Later, Eric and I took a walk along the bike trail that is adjacent to the parking lot.    The pathway is about 8 feet wide and nicely paved.  We crossed the river and walked around the park for a bit. 

I'm impressed by the width
of the bike path.

The Williamette River
@ sunset

Community Garden near
the bike path

Play area


TenaceFamily said...

I too love how wide that bike path is! Anthony always feels nervous when we ride bikes on the bike path by mom's house. He's always afraid that he's going to run into the other person, lol.

Ginny said...

Encourage Anthony to ride the trails as much as possible. Practice makes for easy, comfortable biking.