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Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Van Gogh Immersive Experience in Schenectady, New York

Schenectady is hosting the 

Eric standing in front of the
massive wooden doors of
this 1936 Armory.

It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1995. 

The doors open...  

This knight guards the 
Armory & all events
held here.  

Vincent Van Gogh is best known

This is everyone's favorite
selfie spot at the Exhibit.

Eric & I brought our son, Adam,
with us to this Immersive

Adam & his favorite Van Gogh
painting... Starry Night.

It's Eric's favorite painting too.

"What would life be if we had no courage 
to attempt anything."

Vincent Van Gogh found the right light for his work on the coast of Southern France in 1888.  Warm sunny Arles was the perfect setting to further develop his art.  A year later he checked into a Mental Hospital in Saint-Remy-de-Provence in 1889.  In just two years he painted over 350 works

Here's my favorite painting,

This is one of three versions
Vincent painted of his
bedroom in Arles.

Adam, Eric, & I are invited into 
Van Gogh's bedroom.

Eric's video of the Arles Bedroom and other Van Gogh paintings.

Three of the 36 self-portraits
painted by Van Gogh.

Here's the link to the video Eric took of our Immersion Room.  

A collection of Vincent's

Throughout his career, Vincent Van Gogh completed over 1,000 drawings.  

Vincent experimented with
 yellow pigments & created
11 Sunflower paintings.

The Starry Night Over the Rhone

Eric snuck a selfie of us in
the Immersive Room.

Adam's sitting in the middle
of this group & as he views
his favorite artist's works.

Starry Night, 1889

Eric took a picture of me as
I experience Arles & the
artist's works in VR.

It's time to leave.

The knight remains
 at his post...

Adam loved his first Immersive Art Experience.   This is Eric's and my second Immersive Art Experience.  We joined friends Jim and Gina for the Picasso Exhibit in Atlanta, Georgia.  

I look forward to more Artists' Immersive Art Experiences in the future.  Claude Monet's works would be beautiful...  What Artist's works would you like to see in this format?  

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