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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Driving Southeast to South Hampton, New Hampshire

Eric & I wave goodbye to Terry
& Barb.

We had another amazing visit
with our northern cousins.

Eric follows New York State Route 3 East.

The Silo at this Farm is missing
its roof.

In Plattsburgh, we turn right onto Interstate 87 South.

is shrouded in fog.

We leave the Northway at Exit 31.

miles thataway...

This is a very strange-looking building.

I think it's an old hotel.

Each room has a view.

Eric turns onto Vermont Route 17 East.

Crown Point was a strategic military

This is the latest bridge at Crown Point.

Welcome to Vermont

Eric follows Vermont Route 125 East.

Green Mountain National Forest

A Vermont Farm

Eric turns onto Vermont Route 107 East.

We follow signs to Interstate 89 South.

Welcome Bienvenue

New Hampshire

Live Free Or Dive

About twenty percent of New Hampshire's population is French American or French Canadian.

We continue south on Interstate 93 South.

Exit 7 takes us onto New Hampshire Route 125 South.

Country roads take us to...

Tuxbury Pond Camping Area

The old-fashioned road marker
says A MASS 890.

Our campground is on the
border of New Hampshire

We register at the Office & Store.

The 50 Amp Electric Service at
our campsite isn't working.

We're plugged into the
adjacent site for one night.

This campsite also has water and sewer services.

Tomorrow our grandson, Sean will join us for a few days.

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