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Monday, July 20, 2015

The Puckerbrush Parade in Forest City, Iowa

Eric and I continued our walk on South Clark Street from downtown to the residential section of Forest City.  We decided to stop when the crowd thinned out near the start
of the parade.

The Puckerbrush Parade
steps off.....

I talked to locals and no one knows the origin of Puckerbrush.  An older gentleman speculated that Puckerbrush describes what it's like to kiss a man with a wiry mustache. According to the Forest City Website, in the beginning Forest City was known as Puckerbrush.

Forest City's antique
Fire Truck

The North Iowa Marine
Corps float

Fire Trucks & Ambulances
from Forest City & adjacent
communities roll past.

A Junior King
& Queen


The Waldorf College bus
with the Viking &

A young woman sits atop
a piece of Seed MaxYield

Drumming the day

The Winnebago International
Travelers Singers

MIL WIT: Retired & Active
Duty Personnel Who Own

Iowa Winnie Hawks
"Down Under" at
Ayers Rock

U.S. Representative 
Tedd Gassman talks
to a future voter.

An open Model T

The 2016 Winnebago
Brave rolls by.

rented at Lichtsinn RV.

The Happy Sweets 

The Shriners line up for
a driving exhibition.

Ron's Auto Repair

There's a Kangaroo
on the loose! 

This truck is loaded up
& heading west...

California or Bust!

The biggest toddler &
baby I've ever seen!

Miss Kossuth-Winnebago
2014: Casey Sievert

A replica of the Fort

Pronto Market from 
Fertile brought their 
Chicken along for 
the ride today.

Eric and I had a great day at today's Puckerbrush Parade.  Forest City and surrounding communities sure strutted their stuff for a large crowd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not so fast! Puckerbrush was a recognized community in Warren County (near New Virginia, about half way between Osceola and Indianola. That Puckerbrush was located in rolling hills with real thick brush (blackberry and gooseberry) in the low spots.

It was great for pies and places to hunt but was a real pain if you needed to go someplace.