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Monday, July 20, 2015

Breakfast at the American Legion Hall in Forest City, Iowa

Eric and I caught a shuttle bus into town to go to the Pancake Breakfast at the American Legion Hall.

Forest City welcomes

A Bird's-Eye lithograph of


Eric & I walked into the
American Legion Hall
during a lull in their
Pancake Breakfast.

The flags on the wall was donated to the American Legion in 1948.  The blue stars represent the number of men who served during World War II.  The gold stars represent the service men who died in service during that war.

The plaques on the walls are
the names of the service men
& women for whom flags
have been purchased.

The flags are displayed on Memorial Day, Flag Day, the Fourth of July and Veterans Day in Forest City and the surrounding area.

Eric is putting the lid
on the butter....

He's a butter & sugar
pancake guy.

Me, I'm all about the
Maple Syrup.
Eric and I are properly fueled and ready to walk the parade route, looking for a good spot for to view the Puckerbrush Parade.

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