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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Exploring Downtown Spring Grove, Minnesota

Spring Grove flies the
Norwegian flag to honor
immigrants from Norway
who settled here.

Trinity Center is the most
 modern building in
 Spring Grove.

The Spring Grove

Spring Grove is the first
 Norwegian community
 in Minnesota.

Mons Fladagler.... Is this a

Mons Fladager is honored as
the father of Spring Grove.

He platted the town,sold lots
 & persuaded the railroad to
 locate a depot here.

The statue of the Lion
is dedicated to the 
children of the 

Quest by Craig Bersgaard
honors Spring Grove's
Norwegian ancestors.

May 17th House was
donated to the city
by American Legion 
Post 249.

May 17 is Norway's Constitution Day, a national holiday.  

City Park's Gazebo

Eric & I admire the
star shaped garden.

Norski's Saloon

This Troll in front of the
old Creamery proudly
boasts that his beer belly 
is by Budweiser.

A nearby Viking protects
the property

Spring Grove's
Troll Pole

 sign lists Free Fridays.

What's that all

This beautifully maintained
parked nearby.

One of the farm themed
murals that decorate
Spring Grove.

The E.J.Foss Building houses
& HIS Business.

Spring Grove has a compact downtown with lots of shops and restaurants to explore during a visit.

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