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Friday, July 31, 2015

A Walk Around Downtown Owensville, Missouri

 Today is a scorcher... It's 92 degrees Fahrenheit.

Eric & I drove into
Owensville to take
a walk around town.

has a green quilt square
on its facade.

Eric likes the 1900 Owensville
Parade mural.

F.G. Henneke's Hall is

The pillars on the front
porch are the Bargain
Barn are decorated
with a shear fabric.


Yesteryear Antiques
& Collectibles

The quilt in the window
is beautiful.

The F.G. Henneke

A carved frontiersman
watches over Owensville.
Owensville is a quaint town.  Eric and I would have spent more time walking around its downtown, if it wasn't so hot...

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