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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

A Stop at the R80 Gas Station in Kensett, Iowa

Eric pulled into the
Kensett for gas.

We can't figure out why Super Unleaded Gas is just $2.59 a gallon.  My guess is that Ethanol Blended Gas continues to be subsidized.  And, I was right.  Ethanol has been subsidized for at least 30 years.  Billions in Federal subsidies to the Ethanol Industry
have included tariffs on foreign Ethanol; subsidies to grow corn for Ethanol production and subsidies for special fuel pumps that blend Ethanol into gasoline.   

In 2012, the standard Ethanol subsidy ended and the USDA continued to back Ethanol subsidies through a rural energy program.  Funding was brought back, with fuzzy language, in the 2015 budget under Federal Energy Emissions Standards.  

Eric gasses up the Jeep
while I go inside to
look for "healthy snacks."

Iowa, provides incentives for retailers and customers to make Ethanol blended fuels available and inexpensive for users.

Eric asked me to take a
picture of this gas pump.

The most expensive gas is $2.59 a gallon.  Most of the Ethanol blended gas across the US is 10% Ethanol.  The higher the level of Ethanol, the cheaper the gas gets.  What
kind of vehicle operates on 85% Ethanol?

A quick internet search provides the answer.  Flex-fuel cars and trucks can use Ethanol blended gas at higher levels.  As of 2011, there are over nine million Flex-fuel vehicles
in use across the United States.

My choice of "healthy snacks" - Nuts.

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