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Thursday, July 9, 2015

Driving Northeast to Spring Grove, Minnesota

It's a beautiful day for a
drive along a pin-straight
two lane road.

We start out on Iowa

Trimming roadside

Eric & I agree that this
sign for St. Ansgar
is unusual.

Who advertises a

This pic is for my older

Hey Stan, what do
you think of this?

There's a curve ahead.

I thought all roads in
Iowa were straight.

One of the many farms
we drive past.

When I was a little girl, I
decided that this type of
power pole looks like a
 Giant Angry Mouse.

Eric pulls to the side of
the road to give lots of
room to the over-sized
load moving west.

My favorite optical illusion
of the day:

A giant windmill in the
middle of the road.

A truck piled high with
rolls of hay

Cresco has a great
water tower.

Eric turns onto 

This road runs 

We pass the Kendallville

Our next turn is onto
US Route 52 North.

We cross the Minnesota
State Line & enter

Grain Silos rise out
of the fields. 

We continue east on

Welcome to Mabel.

Eric thinks that Village
Farm & Home is a lot
like the Tractor Supply

Southeast Minnesota 
is farm country.

The female Australian voice
on GPS orders Eric to
 turn onto Minnesota

Our next turn is onto
Fillmore County
Route 18.

The pavement ends
up ahead.

We are now on Houston
County Route 19.

Hidden Bluffs Resort is
1.5 miles ahead.

The weight limit on the
bridge is 32 tons or
64,000 pounds.

The truck coming towards
us trails a cloud of dust.

The curvy road ahead
is steep, with a 25
mile per hour speed

Roadside Tiger Lilies remind
 me of country roads in

We arrive at Hidden Bluffs:
A Midwest Outdoor Resort

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