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Sunday, July 5, 2015

A Visit to Pilot Knob State Park in Forest City Iowa

About 5 miles east of

Having recognized the unique natural setting and abundant wildlife here, Iowa created a state park in 1924.

Pilot Knob, at 1,450 feet above sea level, is the second tallest spot in Iowa.  About two hours west of Pilot Knob is Hawkeye Point, near Sibley, Iowa.  Its elevation is 1,670 feet above sea level.

We drive along a
wooded road.

Eric looks at the
trail map.

We walk uphill to
Pilot Knob.

Eric finds Wild

We leave the treeline
at Pilot Knob.

The tower at Pilot Knob
was built in 1934 by the

We head up the

I take pictures of farms
in the distance.

The Winnebago Industries
water tower at the Winnebago
Industries plant, several
miles away.
 Northern Iowa is spread out before us.

After seeing the Iowa skyline, Eric and I decide to take a hiking trail to see 

We take another trail
into the woods,

Eric points out a Deer
print on the narrow

Dead Man's Lake is a
floating Sphagnum Bog.

It is the only Sphagnum Bog in Iowa.

The Campground has 
60 campsites.

48 sites have electricity.

The cost per night is $17.00.

Tenters are set up
for the weekend.

Water spigots are located around the campground. 

Restrooms & Showers

The Playground 

The Gazebo

The Dump Station

Iowa made a great decision in 1924 to conserve the land at Pilot Knob and its surrounding areas.  This area is unique and very beautiful.

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