Music, Pink & Blue No.2
by Georgia O'Keeffe

O'Keeffe's time in the
Southwest is seen
Southwest is seen
Summer Days.
Hudson River Landscape
by David Smith

Variation on an Old Theme
I am excited to see this painting. My book on American Art features Stella's The Bridge painting. Throughout his career, Joseph Stella returned to this subject and painted it using different lighting and different painting techniques.

by Roy Lichtenstein
I am most familiar with
this comic strip works.

Seven A.M.
A simple, small town scene and next, a New York City neighborhood.... Hopper is best known for urban scenes.
Apartment Houses, East River
by Edward Hopper
Midnight Winter by Rockwell
Kent is an example of his
preference for remote scenes.
Untitled by Beauford Delaney
depicts a simple home.

$199 Television by Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol by Alice Neel
His torso has scars & he
looks frail.

Poker Night (from A Streetcar
Named Desire)
My Egypt by Charles Demuth
reminds me of Precisionist
Industrial subjects portrayed with clean, crisp lines show an emotional detachment from the subject.

Buildings, Lancaster
by Charles Demuth
includes the colors
of a street scene.
Visitors step forward to see
the details in Two Maps
by Jasper Johns.

Three Flags by Jasper Johns,
was painted in 1958, one year
before Alaska & Hawaii
were admitted to the
Eric & a modern sculpture
on the Whitney's terrace
The northerly view from the Whitney Museum of American Art.
Eric and I enjoyed David Wojnarowicz's activists paintings and viewing different works by favorite Modern Artists at The Whitney.
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