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Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Wojnarowicz Exhibit @ Whitney Museum of American Art in Manhattan

 Eric and I planned our trip to New York City around great food, people watching and museums.

The Whitney Museum of
American Art is first on
our list.

Their featured artist is

Two faces painted on
a torn, upside down
poster written in

I am new to Wojnarowicz and clearly see his interest in Central and South America's political instabilities.  The poster is hastily mended and the wording is not lined up.  The face on the right is stitched closed.  Dissenting views are quashed in this piece.

A man sleeps while
 the world struggles
with drug abuse,
 war, alcoholism,
 rigid church

Science Fiction meets
the Wild West or....

Disruption of native
culture leads to the
destruction of our

Violence is a recurring theme in Wojnarowicz's works.

A 1950s thug shares
 the sleeping man's
dreams with a science
 experiment, an alien,
 damaged statues & 
  an ancient, broken

Look more closely for more destructive images.

A monstrous figure watches
over a polluting power plant
& a worker carrying his 
prey, an antlered buck
on his shoulders.

A lone swimmer is at the 
bottom of this piece.

Is the water clean, or is
 it polluted?

David Wojnarowicz used his art to showcase political, social and environmental activism. 
He died of complications from AIDS at age 37.  

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