The Sun finally crests the
mountain in the East at
7:50 am.
Eric & I bundle up
for our morning
Boomerville goes on & on...
Over 200 signed in this year.
Boomers' Pancake
The proceeds go to
The CARE Center at Rainbow's End Campground in Livingston, Texas has 35 campsites that Escapees live on as they age-in-place or recover from an accident or illness. The CARE Center has the Adult Day Care Program and a Dementia program that activities for those dealing with memory loss.
After a day of shopping,
hiking, offroading, etc.,
Boomers gather for
Happy Hour.
Eric and I were invited to a Gin Tasting.
There's a wonderful
variety of Gins to
were very popular
with the group.
The highlight of Boomerville: The CARE Auction

Donated items are on display
before the CARE Auction.
Boomers browse & decide
on the itemst they will bid on.
The group gathers
with their Auction
Paddles & the fun
We get a report that all of the CARE Fundraisers: Pancake Breakfasts, Cinnamon Roll Sales, Barbeque Ribs Sales, and the CARE Auction totals $18,000.00. CARE relies on donations from Escapees to keep the cost for residents reasonable. And, CARE also relies on volunteers to keep the CARE Program running.
Some evenings we gather for Pot Luck Dinners.
Everyone bundles up to spend time at the nightly campfire.
Desert nights are clear, cold and full of stars.
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