Eric & I drive west on
Welcome to California

We pass The Center Of
Jacques-Andre Istel created and promotes this unique attraction, including his version of the history of the world.
The Imperial Dunes were an
impenetrable barrier for
travelers in the 18th,
19th & early 20th centuries.

An agricultural canal

The road ahead...
A field of young
Call Boxes line the road.
We take Exit 118B to
Farm fields
A housing development is up ahead on the right.
As we get closer, I realize
the "houses" are covered
hay bales.
We share the road with
Tractor Trailers.

We are following the
Welcome to the City
of Westmorland

I wonder what's growing
in the greenhouses.
My first sighting of
the Salton Sea.

Welcome to Salton City

As we drive towards
the lake Eric points out...

The GPS shows platted side
streets here, but there are
no houses on them.

We turn left...
... & enter an abandoned
We park & ....

As the sun sets behind the
motorhome, the mountains
across the lake take on an
orange hue & the water
turns deep aqua.
A Powered Parachute flies
in the changing sky.
This is a beautiful place to camp, and it's free.
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