There are a few rules.
We tour at our own risk.
Fliers are available for
our self-guided tour.
Donations are appreciated.
Eric & me at the
Many of the pieces here
are untitled.
The flier describes this
as Assemblage Art.

The Library of Congress
I describe Purifoy's work
as Salvage Art.
This large piece is titled
Crank Pump.

This building looks like
it's falling down.

From another angle...
It's titled Shelter.
The bedroom with the
bathroom in the

The shower & hot
water tank.

Old Woman
Sage at Sage (Collage)
The Museum covers acres
& each display has its
own look & feel.
The trifold has a list of
30 titled pieces, &
just 12 photos.
It's easy for me to get turned around and not recognize an art piece by its name
Voting Booth
This piece reminds me of
large scale art at Storm King
Art Center in New Windsor,
New York.
Obviously, this is
Toilet Bowl Sculpture.
Who is Noah Purifoy?
Born in Snow Hill, Alabama,
he was educated in Alabama
& California.
Noah's earliest sculptures were constructed from the remains of the 1965 Watts Riot. 66 Signs of Neon shows that ugly, misshapen, melted neon could be beautiful.
He was prolific.
The San Francisco
Oakland Bay Bridge

The white building is
Ode to Frank Gehry.
65 Aluminum Trays is
the work on the right.
Eric takes his time
admiring this piece.
I have fond memories of
mowing my Dad's lawn
with a Reel Mower.
This pic is for friends
who sew quilts,
A Rabbit on the run
Eric examines the artist's
vision of ancient ruins.
The Kirby Express
Earthpiece is fenced in.
It's an unstable work.
This untitled piece has been
dubbed "Appliance Store."
Purifoy settled in Joshua Tree in the late 1980s.
Bessemer Steel
Suspended Bowling Balls
& their shadow
He died in 2004, at the
age of 86.
The White House
No Contest
Eric & me at
Quonset Hut
Quonset Hut
Next... Adrian's Little Theater

I walk up a gently sloping

... & admire
Lunch Tray Art.
Three Witches are covered
in colorful fabrics.
in colorful fabrics.
Eric & me at
the Carousel
It houses old computers.
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