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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Our Drive Northwest to Hermitage, Tennessee

We return to Interstate

The highway dips south
into Georgia...

...before turning north &
returning to Tennessee.

Spring is coming to 
the Appalachians.

A lone boat on Nickajack

This reservoir is part of the
Tennessee Valley Authority.

I think this is a recent
Rock Slide.

The smoke is confined
to the bridge.

Eric thinks the Tractor Trailer blew its Head Gasket.

We are headed for a steep
mountain grade.

5% is very doable.

We reminisce about our
drive north in British

Everyone is warned to slow
down for this curve.

Everyone is following

79 miles to Nashville

We drive past farms.

Brake for Steak

cooks great steaks.

Cattle graze in nearby

Eric likes the Peterbilt

of Nashville also allows
Low Emission Vehicles.

We follow Interstate 24

This is our exit.

home is on our list of places
to visit.

We drive past subdivisions...

Watch for Deer.

is that away.

We wait to register.

This is our first visit to a Army Corps of Engineers Park.  

This is our spacious
lake side campsite.

We have water and electric hookups.  The DirecTV Dish found our TV satellites.  Let's take a walk and explore the Campground.

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