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Sunday, May 9, 2021

Riding South on the American River Bike Trail in Sacramento, California

 Eric and I ride south on the American River Bike Trail.

Campus Commons
Golf Course

A suspension bridge
looms ahead.

Eric gets a shot with the

It's been described as a
scale replica of the

One of the trails off the
American River Bike
Trail is a path for
horseback riding &

People Yield to

This Bike Repair Stand
is missing all its tools.

I hope that bicyclists
bring their own
screwdrivers &

Two people in a
canoe paddle by.

A Squirrel sits on a
log in the shade.

Taking care of the
essentials on this
32 mile long

Eric & I ride under
a bridge.


The warning brings to mind a bridge collapse in Atlanta on Interstate 85 in 2017.   Basil Eleby set fire to a chair and the flames spread to PVC pipes stored beneath the bridge created a large fire that brought down the bridge.  

Crew is drilling for
soil samples

This female turkey
is out for a walk...

Eric gets a shot of me taking
a picture of the turkey.

I pedal on.

Eric stays to answer the age-old question... "Does the turkey cross the bike trail?"  Watch to see the answer.

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