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Monday, May 18, 2020

The Two Hour Drive to ???

Today's drive is a mystery.  All I know is that it takes two hours to go get to what Eric wants
us to see.

We drive past Fertile...

... and turn onto Interstate 35 North.

Water Tower

Minnesota Welcomes You!

Not a Tasteless
Tourist Trap

And, it's a fun
place to visit.

A horse stands to the right
of a decrepit barn.

Matejcek's Farm Equipment

I had seen on the news that
road construction projects
are progressing quickly
with less road traffic.

That's an unexpected
benefit of Covid 19.

The Minneapolis skyline
comes into view.

More road construction

The stylized steeple
belongs to...

I hope to visit the next time
Eric & I are in Minneapolis.

There's roadwork

Eric stops the car and points off into the distance.  He tells me to walk across the park and
he'll meet me after he parks the car.

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