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Saturday, May 12, 2018

Spring is Here! in Rotterdam, New York

Winter didn't want to leave the Northeast.  Weekly snowstorms barreled through New York State in March, and then cold gripped this region of the country.  When Eric and I arrived in Rotterdam late April, daytime highs were in the 40s and occasionally the low 50s.  Nighttime temperatures dropped into the low 30s.  Spring was on hold....

April turned into May and daytime highs moved into the 70s and sometimes the 80s.  Spring burst forth....

This Magnolia Tree is
filled with tight buds.

Shrubs suddenly loom.

Birch Trees are leafing

The flowering Weeping
Rose Tree stands in
stark contrast to the
 decaying Taylor &
 Vadney Sporting
 Goods Store that
 burned on
November 4, 2017.

Tulips bloom....

The small petals falling from
this tree remind me of snow.

The Daffodils are out.

Trees leaf out
as construction
continues on
town houses.

Magnolia flowers
bloom & start to

I love the burst
of colors.

Blooms come & go
too quickly.

Eric & I make our
first visit to
Curry Freeze for
ice cream cones.

Spring is Here!

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