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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Libby's Bakery Cafe in Ticonderoga, New York

Libby's Bakery Cafe
is in a beautifully
maintained building.

In honor of Captain Kirk, AKA William Shatner's visit to Star Trek: The Original Series Set, Libby's created a special menu...

Romulan Jumbo Mollusk with
Vulcan Red Spice Soup

Vulcan Broccoli Cheese Soup

Klingon Bregit Lung: Pulled
Pork on a Potato Roll

Vulcan Fare: Open Faced Demi
Baguette with Lemon Ricotta,
Roasted Veggies & Balsamic

Enticing baked goods
& Salads to Go

Libby's Beer Selection
is on the bottom shelf.

Local artists' works hang
on the walls of the dining
Libby's is ready to welcome Star Trek fans with tasty food and a comfortable place to sit down between the near endless lines for Star Trek Original Series Set Tours, Shatner Autographs and the Live on Stage with Shatner event

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