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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Walking Around Downtown Folkston, Georgia

Folkston proudly advertises
its proximity to the

The Okefenokee Swamp is the largest low-lying marshland in the United States, covering over 700 square miles.

Folkston's railroad history is
shown in Brown's Catering 
& Dine In sign.

The Charlton County

I found a sign with a

Folkston Masonic Lodge
No. 196 F. & A,M. is
listed as dark.

The term "go dark" means that the Lodge no longer exists or is not having regularly scheduled meetings for a period of time.  From the condition of the sign and the building, it's my guess that the Lodge has has folded.

The former Citizens Bank

Eric and I are here visit the Folkson Funnel Train Watching Platform, which is just off Main Street.

This elevated covered platform,
with chairs, is a comfortable place
to watch the 60 trains a day that
pass through daily.

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