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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Wine Tasting at Flagler Beachfront Winery

There's a winery in town....   Eric and I must investigate.

Flagler Beachfront Winery
looks good after Hurricane
Matthew blew through
town in October.

There was some damage done to the building, which has been repaired.  A new, permanent sign is due to be installed soon.

Customers spend 50 cents
per tasting here.

That's a bargain compared to wine tasting fees in Napa Valley, California.  

Shoppers stroll the
racks of wine, making
their selections.

Flagler Beachfront Winery
ships wines across the

Wine Accessories:
Gift Bags, Corks
Flavor Infusions
Wine Glasses

Comfortable indoor

Eric & I sample red &
white wines.

Ken Taristano, Flagler Beachfront Winery's Winemaker, told Eric and me about the grapes he selects to make his signature wines.

We have some tough wine choices to make....

Let's sip Wine Slushies while
we deliberate.

Eric chose the Concord Slushie and I chose the Hurricane Matthew - A cyclone of all the Slushie flavors... Concord, Blueberry, Raspberry, Lemonade, Watermelon, Peach and Pinot Gris.  I decided against stirring the flavors together to make a tropical blend.  I'll sip my way through all seven flavors separately.

Eric sits outside & enjoys
his Concord Slushy.

And our wine choices are:

Allure: A medium bodied
red blend

Elation: A blend of Pinot Gris
Riesling & Sauvignon Blanc

Sweet Concord Red:
Its name says it all.

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