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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Hiking in Lake Louisa State Park in Clermont, Florida

There are over twenty miles of hiking trails at Lake Louisa State Park. Eric and I started our hike at Hammond Lake.

We cross an overgrown

The Bronson family bought this land in 1943 to raise cattle and grow oranges.

Yellow, spiky flowers catch
my eye.

Our shadows glide along
the wide, grassy trail.

These white flowers remind

Morning mist accents the
Spider Webs that cling
to plants.

This section of trails
is equestrian friendly.

Eric hunted for many years when we lived in Upstate New York.  He's always scanning the surroundings, looking for signs of animals. 

He pointed out this well
used Deer Run.

He spotted these Giant Egrets
across deep in a stand of trees.

One of the many Orange
Trees from the old 

He tries one....

It's sweet & juicy.

Smokehouse Lake

Here are trees with
 smaller fruit.

This Tangelo is yummy!

The trail brings us back
to Hammond Lake.

An Alligator suns itself.

Spanish Moss grows from
a Tangelo Tree.

A warning not to dig in
this area.

There's a telecommunications
cable buried here.

We have returned to civilization.

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