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Friday, October 30, 2015

UnQuarked: The Wine Room in Los Alamos, New Mexico

Eric & I must visit

The Quark is a sub atomic particle that represents the smallest known unit of matter.  As Star Trek fans, Eric and I also thought of a Ferengi named Quark, one of the characters on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.  We can't leave Los Alamos without sampling wines at this particular tasting room.

UnQuarked offers wines from
three wineries: Anasazi Fields,
Black's Smuggler & Vivac.

I catch a pic of Eric
standing at the bar.

Wines are poured in
mini carafes at

Each sample is poured
then into a wine glass
for sampling.

 Eric and I tasted different wines, but there was one wine we had in common....

75% White Wine
25% Peach Wine

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