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Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Green Island Bridge Doesn't Look Like Other Bridges: Troy, New York

It's a bridge.  What's the big deal?

While having lunch at
Troy, I became intrigued

The bridge supports aren't
like other bridges.

They are much larger than
other bridges I've seen.

This isn't an ordinary bridge.  Then, Eric told me that he went into one of the legs of the bridge when he worked at the New York State Department of Transportation.  Why would anyone go into the leg of a bridge?  He had an appointment with a contractor for a road project he was working on.

Our waitress tells us that the Green Island Bridge is a drawbridge.  Really?  It doesn't look like the the bridge deck separates in the middle.  The entire bridge deck can be raised and lowered.

This is cool!

The mechanisms that raise &
lower the bridge deck are in
the towers.

Don't sail up the Hudson River, toot your horn and expect the bridge deck to be raised for you to continue your voyage.

From April 1 through December
15, the bridge will be raised
for you, IF you call 24 hours
ahead to make an appointment.

I'm glad Eric and I were sitting at at table at Dinosaur Bar-B-Que with a riverfront view.
Now I know how important the Green Island Bridge is to boat traffic on the Hudson River.

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