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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Best Buddies, Gomtuu and Talyn, Hang Out

Hi Talyn...

Thanks for coming over.

Welcome to my neighborhood.

I watch the neighborhood

....for pigs.

Have you seen pigs 
running the streets?

Not yet.

I want you to meet Bobby.

He just came out of
the closet.

My people keep pig
right next to the eggs.

Eric's Medianoche is
very good.

Eating pig is great!

Ginny now has an extra long
can clean every corner 
of the motorhome.

And, she keeps the Margaritia
mixer here too....

It's kind of confusing.

The empty TV cabinet is my
favorite place to hide.

Are you up for a game
of football?

Oh yeah...

Hut one, hut two.

Score:  Gomtu - 14     Talyn - 9

I really like your house.  Where do your people keep their tools and stuff like that? 

There are compartments
under the motorhome
living area.

Eric made a list of all
the things he keeps in
bins & then he labeled 
all the bins to make it
easy to find stuff.

It looks like your people have everything they need to take good care of you.

Yup, Eric and Ginny keep me safe and warm while I watch out for them.

Thank you for having me over.

Lunch was great!

I demand a chance to
beat you at football.

Keep blogging.  I like to follow your adventures on the road.

Thanks!  I will.  Ginny will have to learn to share her computer with me.

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