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Monday, January 21, 2013

SeeLeveL Tank Monitoring System: Now We Know How Much Is In Our Tanks

Eric wrote this post:
Anyone who has ever had an RV knows very well that the holding tank and water tank gauges are at best occasionally accurate.  The gauges in a new RV may work for a while but over time "Gunk" gets on the sensors and make them useless some of the time. The problem is that they are accurate sometimes and not accurate sometimes. You can not rely on them.

After some research online in the RV forums it became clear that the "SeeLeveL" RV Gauges from the Garnet Technologies Inc. are arguably the best way to go. I ordered the Model 709 basic system.  Price $225.

I have a detailed installation write up from an RVer who has the same RV we do. It has photos and step by step instructions. I planned to install it myself "someday".

This installation is complex.  It involves some dis-assembly in the plumbing bay in the basement of the motorhome; gaining access to the fresh water tank; installing sensor strips on the fresh, grey, black water tanks and the liquid propane tank as well as work on electrical connections and installing the display panels.    Bonus: The battery level is included with this system.

Our Fresh Water Tank reads 31%.

We stored the RV for a month  at Integrity RV Service Center in Douglasville, GA when we went to Nicaragua for a vacation from full time RVing.... can you take a vacation from retirement???  We did.  We decided to order the system and have it shipped to Integrity RV Service Center and have Dean and his team install it for us to take advantage of the month long storage. It was a 5 hour job for them and it was worth it to me to have it professionally done. Dean and his team were in contact with the manufacturer during the installation.

It's all done now and we have 1% increments on our gauges which is much better than the "empty-1/3-2/3-full" of the old gauges. Here's the link for the system.

On that page you can view or download the manuals for the system if you have any questions about it. It would certainly be cheaper to install it yourself.  Since we've been retired, we have been on the road a lot.... about 6,750 since September 12, 2012.  We would need to be parked in a warm place for more than one night.... Preferably not a Walmart parking lot.  I would tackle it, but I didn't want to wait that long so....

Thanks Integrity RV Service Center for tackling this installation.... Our motorhome is the first installation of SeeLeveL Tank Monitoring System at this service center.  It works as it should and Ginny and I are pleased with the work and the accuracy that this system provides us.  

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