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Monday, January 7, 2013

Mailing Packages at the Post Office in Rivas, Nicaragua

Eric found four fairly small boxes at Maxi Pali (like a Walmart Supercenter).  We got an assortment of tapes and magic markers.  We bougtht three newspapers to use as packing material.  I cut three of them down to make five boxes for shipping souvenirs to family and friends in the US.  Eric's Swiss Army Knife came in very handy.

The boxes were taped and labeled with care.  We set off for the Post Office in Rivas.  Having mailed post cards a few days earlier, we knew where to go to ship our packages.  I happily produced the five boxes for the postal clerk.

She looked at me & made it obvious
that the boxes had to be opened.

I produced a carefully wrapped gift
& she made it clear that I had to
unwrap it so she could see
what it was.

So, all five boxes were opened.  Each item was unwrapped.  The postal clerk's question for each box was, "Uno o dos?"  My answer each time was, "Uno."  Luckily she had clear wrapping tape, so the boxes could be closed and re-taped as neatly as possible.  After this was done, the postal clerk weighed and calculated postage for each box.

Assorted stamps were produced.  The clerk handed Eric a box and I received a fist full of stamps.  Then she produced a bottle of white glue.  I carefully handed Eric the stamps as he added glue to the box (There was a persistent breeze in the Post Office.)  The postal clerk was taping stamps on another box.  This process went on until all five boxes had stamps taped or glued to them.

Here's our receipt for postage.
The cost is about $9.45.

We thought the price was about
right, but we were surprised 
that the experience took so
long due to content inspection.

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