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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

FDR's Little White House in Warm Springs, Georgia

My son, Adam, and I love history and Eric is happy to make sure Adam and I visit wonderful historic sites.  Adam has to work, but I can report back on the day Eric and I spent at Franklin Roosevelt's Little White House in Warm Springs.

Roosevelt came to Warm Springs in 1924 seeking a cure for his polio.  He heard that the 88 degree Fahrenheit spring fed pools were a wonder for polio victims.  There was no cure, but FDR did experience relief from his symptoms during his visits and he fell in love with the area.  Roosevelt built this retreat in 1932, while he was Governor of New York.   He visited often and enjoyed his retreats.

Entrance to
The Little White House

The Little White House

The kitchen stove

Kitchen storage

The Living Room

The Dining Room

FDR's Bedroom

Eleanor's Bedroom

FDR swam often in the spring fed pools and often played with children who also had polio who were visiting in hope of relief from their symptoms.  Roosevelt also visited local farmers and learned that many were living without electricity and running water in the 1930s.  A man of privilege, Roosevelt felt that as president, he had the tools available to him to assist farmers increase their production of crops and bring them into the 20th century.

There is a wonderful museum here.  I've included just a few pictures.

FDR designed the hand controls
that allowed him to drive.

There are many photos of
FDR driving this car, with
custom hand controls.

FDR established The
March of Dimes to fight polio.

This is just one display case of
canes that were sent to FDR. 


Roosevelt received many gifts.
I loved this hand carved horn.

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