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Monday, December 24, 2012

Today, We Visit Leon

This is Route 12.
This is a nice drive
into Leon.

Around Kilometer 41
the road changed.

In-between patches of good
road, there was very bad, 
pot hole filled road to Kilometer 57. 

I asked Julian about the conditions of the road on Route 12.  Road construction materials used in this section were poor and it deteriorated badly.  To fix the road, all the road materials need to be dug out and new materials must be used.... Gravel for the base of the road and then the blacktop.  This is an expensive project and discussion of funding this project is ongoing.  

This bus is one of the 
many decorated buses that 
provide public transportation.

We arrived
in Leon.

I love the flowers that
decorate this wall.

The market in Leon has
everything you could
ever need.

It's Christmas time and
the vendors are reminding
shoppers of the gifts
they can purchase.

The market rings the Basilica
that was built in 1747.

There is a lot of renovation work
going on at the Basilica.

Eric makes friends with
the lion at the main entrance.

This is one of the many
churches in Leon.

We  bought tamales at the market. 

Yoltanal is the Indian name for 
this fresh ground corn dough
is wrapped in corn leaves 
and steamed.

This sweet, thick, we think
tapioca based food is 
made on a tray and cut into
rectangles for sale.

This may be a
 regional food.

Our drive home was on
Route 25.  It was smooth
driving the entire way home.

This area has many
 thatched buildings.

Eric did a great job of navigating us into and out of Leon.  The drive into Leon 
was a bit bumpy.  The drive home was very smooth and didn't take 
as long as our drive into Leon.