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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Pennsylvania State Capitol in Harrisburg

The Pennsylvania State Capitol in Harrisburg has a familiar history.  This building was constructed on the spot where the previous State Capitol burned in 1897.  Construction of this Capitol, modeled after St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, started in 1902.  The building was completed and dedicated in 1906.  Total cost, $13 million, more than three times the initial $4 million dollars allotted for the project.

 Beaux-Artes style with Renaissance themes


The Rotunda

A Christmas Tree graces
the main entry way
beneath the rotunda.

Galleries beneath
the rotunda

President Theodore Roosevelt
dedicated the Capitol.

The Senate Chamber

Stain glass windows in
the Senate Chamber. 

The House of

The ceiling in The House
of Representatives

Our Tour Guide, Tammy, told us that many visitors from Europe are impressed with the opulence of this Capitol.  The tour was brief.  Tammy shared a lot of information with us and let the building  speak for itself.

Eric and I added this State Capitol to our list of Capitols Where We Were Excited by Our Visit.  This building is a work of art.  Many hours went into its design and execution.  I like to think of this visit as a US based trip to Europe for architectural culture. 

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