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Friday, December 21, 2012

Another Day, Another Drive Into Managua

The frustration we experienced navigating around Managua yesterday gave Eric an idea.  He decided to use his Hiker's GPS to plot our course into and out of this sprawling city.  The Hiker's GPS doesn't have the roads in Nicaragua in its database, but Eric believes that if he can plot enough way points, he can create our route into and out of Managua.

Our route to the

Roasting corn
street side.

Gasoline is over a dollar
per liter here.... about
$5.00 per gallon.

One of many Nativity Scenes
that line Avenue Bolivar.

Eric parked the car on the median at Dupla Sur and gave a man a small amount of money to watch the car for us.  This is a common practice here.

 Transformer-like play area

This park is undergoing
major renovations.

The National Museum is at Dupla Norte.  I feel very successful today because we navigated to this section of Managua, found parking and have plenty of time to visit the museum.


Dave'n'Kathy Vagabond Blog said...


Ginny said...

Managua Traffic Update: Eric & I were following Julian & Emma in evening rush hour traffic in Managua today. Bumper to bumper traffic developed. There was a break in the curb on the left lane and people started driving on the wrong side of the median. One lane, and then two lanes were traveling in the wrong direction!
We passed an accident on the right and a disabled car on the left a little further down.
Next thing I know, cars are entering the left lane from the traffic that was driving on the wrong side of the median.
Eric followed Julian very closely. At an intersection, a car from each direction was bearing down on Eric. They got so close, Eric thought our rental car had an extra coat of paint, we would be involved in an accident.
So.... Eric & Julian are amazing drivers.... We got to the house southwest of Managua safely.
I have never driven in NYC or any large city.
This was a hair raising experience for me.