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Monday, October 9, 2023

Drinks @ The No Scum Saloon in White Oaks, New Mexico

Eric at the hitching post at

Patches are lined up
above the Bar.

Dollar Bills cover
the ceiling.

Karen welcomes everyone.  I think Eric and I are the only non-locals here.

The collection of license
plates add color to the
wall behind the
Pot Belly Stove.

Eric & our Shiner Bock

An updated sign in

A painting of William Bonney,
A.K.A. Billy the Kid

law enforcement busy.

A bottle of Snake Bite

A photo of White Oaks
taken in the 1880s, 
the town's heyday.

White Oaks' population grew to 4,000 people at that time.

Beware Pickpockets
Loose Women

A stray kitten wanders the
bar accepting love from 
the customers.

No Scum Allowed

Watch the Gun

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